The Mediterranean region, once at again at the centre of the global agenda, is experiencing the most challenging and hazardous situation
of the last two decades. To the North as to the South, societies are facing deep crises and cultural regression. In the Middle East, some countries are experiencing an unprecedented level of violence. Yet the social reality is more complex, with evidence of cultural trends moving in a positive direction, in contrast with rising populist discourse or images portrayed in certain media.
Leveraging the potential of dialogue existing in our societies is at the heart of the Napoli Conference organised by the Anna Lindh Foundation on
the occasion of its 10th Anniversary. Hosted by Fondazione Mediterraneo, and taking place in the framework of the Italian Presidency of the EU, the Conference brings together civil society networks, regional organisations, media and political leaders from countries of the Union for the Mediterranean, to coordinate efforts to define a next chapter of intercultural dialogue.